
Web Application Vulnerability

Public attacks on web applications are on the rise. Most of disclosed vulnerabilities are related to web applications such as SQL injection vulnerabilities. We assess web application vulnerabilities that compromise the integrity, confidentiality and availability of mission critical and sensitive data. The process involves information gathering and reviewing the application from both client and server perspective. We also review the network infrastructure directly supporting the application to identify security weaknesses. Technical testing and a targeted code review helps identify areas in the code that can be improved for greater security. Finally we provide a detailed report with recommendations for mitigating discovered risks.

Web application vulnerability assessment helps secure business applications against application security issues and hacker techniques before they are exploited. It prevents application downtime, improves user confidence, productivity and achieves compliance with federal and state regulations.

The following lists various reliable sources for web application security vulnerabilities -

OWASP Top Ten - The OWASP Top Ten provides ten most critical Web application security flaws.

CWE/SANS Top 25 - Consensus list of the 25 most dangerous programming errors.

WASC Web Security Threat Classification - List of Web security threats.


Managed Security Services